Copland Lecture 2018, Committee for Economic Development

Melbourne, Australia

20 March 2018

Speaker: J-S Jacques, Chief Executive

J-S Jacques, Rio Tinto chief executive, says it is no longer good enough for business to see themselves as excellent B2C or B2B companies, they must connect with all communities in which they operate and be seen as Business-to-People (B2P) organisations.

Speaking in Melbourne at Committee for Economic Development Association (CEDA), J-S said social media had dramatically altered the way companies and people connect, share and view the world.

“Social media connects people like never before, but it also creates new challenges, for business and governments in particular, who are used to established systems and controls. We all need to get much better at using these networks,” he said.

J-S also talked of the challenges of technological disruption, global trade, and tax.

“Technology and digital pioneering is really about people, and it is up to each of us to manage the change required as sensitively as we can.

“On global trade, I fully understand and accept that we live in a world where some may question the fair trade model and its ability to make sure that wealth once created is fairly distributed. This is where inclusive growth comes into it.

“The tax system needs to support the next generation of disruptors, businesses, and exporters to drive prosperity for all.

“It is clear in a B2P world that partnership must be tri-partite – business, government, society – and across national borders.

“As a 145 year old materials company, one of our most valuable assets is our pioneering spirit. We need to continue to think like a start-up and continue to make a material difference to our communities and our society.”

Copland Lecture 2018 - Speech
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