Walking on Derby Jetty

Working with us

We expect companies and individuals that work with us to share our values: care, curiosity and courage.

Suppliers may be required to participate in our pre-screening process, which requires companies and individuals to provide sufficient evidence to meet or exceed minimum standards of health, safety, the environment, human rights, quality management and financial capacity, as well as ethical and anti-corruption practices. If and as needed, we can work with prospective suppliers to help them achieve the required standards.

Upon successful award of a contract, suppliers may also be required to provide additional information for our contractor management system, if applicable, including but not limited to health and safety practices, insurance coverage, and company and personnel qualifications.

Health, safety and the environment 

Health and safety is our number one priority and we expect the same commitment from our partners. We value suppliers who:

  • Have the ability to work closely and in partnership with local and Indigenous businesses and local communities
  • Manage and communicate product health and safety risks
  • Have a strong commitment to health and safety management and the elimination of workplace injuries and illness
  • Have processes in place to assure compliance with safety policies
  • Reduce our collective environmental footprint through their practices, products and services

Supplier Code of Conduct

Our Supplier Code of Conduct sets out our expectations of suppliers and their subsidiaries and subcontractors with respect to key issues ranging from health and safety, compliance, human rights, environment and reporting. We may choose not to work with suppliers who do not meet our expectations. If you have questions regarding our Supplier Code of Conduct, or about our expectations of our suppliers and business partners, please email us.

Suppliers downloads

Suppliers who engage with us must adhere to the following business practices and standards:

Supplier Code of Conduct
Supplier Code of Conduct
279 KB
Supplier Code of Conduct [CN]
360 KB
Supplier Code of Conduct [FR]
284 KB
Supplier Code of Conduct [ES]
283 KB
Supplier Code of Conduct [MN]
372 KB
Supplier Privacy Statement
Supplier Privacy Statement
423 KB
Supplier Privacy Statement [FR]
228 KB
Cyber Security Requirements for Suppliers
110 KB
  • wave

Local suppliers

Our Buy Local initiative helps businesses near our operations by partnering with local and Indigenous suppliers.
  • wave

Supplier Portals

A comprehensive collection of external supplier resources

Business integrity

  • Bribery & corruption
  • Gifts & entertainment
  • Human rights

In compliance with the Supplier Code of Conduct, The Way We Work and our Business Integrity Standard, neither Rio Tinto nor our suppliers can commit, or become involved in, bribery or corruption in any form. We do not ever offer, give, demand or accept any financial or other forms of favour to, or from, any person in order to secure business or any other advantage. We do not use or make payments to speed up routine administrative actions.

We expect suppliers to respect and adhere to our Business Integrity Standard, including rules around the giving and receiving of gifts and entertainment.

We expect our suppliers to support and respect the human rights of their workers, consistent with the Universal Declaration of Human Rights. Our suppliers must uphold fundamental human rights including but not limited to:

  • Providing a safe working environment

  • Paying a fair wage

  • Equal treatment without distinction based on gender, race, age, religion

  • Freedom from forced labour, including access to employee documentation

myVoice, whistleblower program

If you become aware, or have reason to suspect, that misconduct or improper circumstances or behaviours connected to Rio Tinto are contemplated, occurring, or may have occurred, you are strongly encouraged to raise your concerns in a timely manner.

You can turn to the myVoice whistleblower program. myVoice lets you report serious concerns anonymously or confidentially, 24 hours a day, 365 days a year, in multiple languages.

When you voice your concern, this will give us the opportunity to address instances of potential misconduct that may cause harm to people, reputation or success of the company. You also help us to continue nurturing a safe, inclusive and respectful working environment.

Iron Ore Contractor Engagement Solution

Our contractor engagement solution will make it easier to work with Iron Ore. The solution will enable easy on-boarding, simplified invoicing processes and clarify who is working on site. The most important outcome from this solution will be improved safety on our sites.

Please contact us for further questions about our Contractor Engagement Solution.

Contractor Engagement Solution essentials: An overview

Freight management

Our suppliers may be required to become familiar with our freight management requirements

Freight Preparation Guidance Note
388 KB
Freight Loading & Unloading Procedure
70 KB

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